We are excited for you to join our community! We offer a number of courses and the order you choose to take them in is completely up to you and your schedule! However, we do have some suggestions to help guide your decision.
Introduction to Design Thinking
If you’re looking for an introduction to design thinking, or would like to build a common language around design thinking within your team, consider taking Hello Design Thinking, a 90-minute, on-demand introductory class.
Foundations and Advanced Design Thinking
If you’re new to design thinking, but would like a deeper understanding of the concepts—even if you’ve taken a workshop or boot camp—we recommend pursuing our Foundations in Design Thinking Certificate by taking our foundational courses first: Insights for Innovation and From Ideas to Action. Start with Insights for Innovation and follow with From Ideas to Action.
If you’re a practitioner or leader and want to help more people apply their design thinking skills and mindsets to increasingly deeper and more diverse challenges, consider our Advanced Design Thinking Certificate, starting with the Foundations Certificate courses and following with Storytelling for Influence, Unlocking Creativity, and either Human-Centered Service Design or Designing a Business.
Creative Leadership
For current and aspiring leaders, we recommend our Foundations in Creative Leadership Certificate, Leading for Creativity, Cultivating Creative Collaboration and Storytelling for Influence.
If you are specifically interested in service design, business, change, purpose, or another topic, consider starting with one of our specializations or on-demand classes: Human-Centered Service Design, Designing a Business, Designing for Change, Power of Purpose, From Superpowers to Great Teams, Prototyping for Digital Experiences.
We hope this helps as a starting point! Please don't hesitate to reach out to hello@ideou.com for further guidance.