When you submit your assignment, you have the option to submit it Privately (Shared with the Teaching Team) or Publicly (Shared with the Course).
Public assignments are viewable by all learners and appear in the assignment gallery. Public assignments can also receive feedback from other learners.
Private assignments are only viewable by the Teaching Team and do not have the functionality to receive feedback from other learners.
Your assignment will automatically default to Public. You will have the option to switch to Private by changing your privacy setting (the final step of each assignment submission).
What if I have already submitted my assignment and want to change the privacy setting?
To change the privacy settings on your submitted assignment, follow these simple steps:
1. Select your assignment by navigating to your To-Do's.
2. Open your assignment, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "View Submission" button.
3. Click on the pencil image on the top right hand corner of your submission.
3. Once you click on the pencil, a drop down menu will appear. The check mark will be show you which privacy setting you currently have selected. To switch, click on the other privacy setting option in the dropdown.